Ястребова английский для международников ответы

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Развитие языковой компетенции как совокупности языковых знаний, умений и навыков, соответствующих задачам общения на общие и профессионально ориентированные темы, и готовности овладевать ими и использовать для достижения целей общения. We can dine at a restaurant of your choice. With state verbs see Unit I the Present Perfect is used in this meaning. Then, quite unexpectedly they called out my name. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 65 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Example: It is common for opera singers to eat a lot after long performances. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 58 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. EACH of us knows the lyrics to a thousand pop songs.

КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ДЛЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНИКОВ И РЕГИОНОВЕДОВ Уровень — бакалавриат ЧАСТЬ II МГИМО 2009 КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ДЛЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНИКОВ И РЕГИОНОВЕДОВ УРОВЕНЬ — БАКАЛАВРИАТ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТНЫЙ ПОДХОД УРОВЕНЬ В1 1 ГОД ОБУЧЕНИЯ УЧЕБНИК АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В ДВУХ ЧАСТЯХ ЧАСТЬ II ББК 81. Я 85 Курс английского языка для международников и регионоведов. ISBN 978-5-9228-0521-6 Настоящее издание в двух частях предназначено в качестве базового учебника для студентов I курса факультетов международных отношений и регионоведения, владе- ющих английским языком на уровне Intermediate A2. Учебник разработан на основе компетентностного подхода и обеспечивает взаимосвязанное развитие речевой, язы- ковой, социокультурной и информационной компетенций студента. В результате рабо- ты по данному учебнику должен быть достигнут пороговый уровень коммуникативной компетенции B1 по классификации Совета Европы. ISBN 978-5-9228-0521-6 © МГИМО У МИД России, 2009 © Авторский коллектив, 2009 CONTENTS Предисловие................................................................................................................................ The Rich and the Poor.................................................................................. Better to Be Wealthy and Healthy............................................................................... Keeping up a Conversation: Agreeing and Disagreeing.................................. Keeping up a Conversation: Showing Interest................................................... The Haves and Have-Nots........................................................................................ A Matter of Class: Wealth and Wellness................................................................ Healthcare Systems of the World................................................................... Climbing the Success Ladder....................................................................................... Using Fillers and Hedges....................................................................................... To Every Man his Chance......................................................................................... Build up your Vocabulary................................................................................ A Wind of Change..................................................................................................... The Law Abiding Citizen........................................................................... Can Laws Make Us Better? Does Smacking Make Children Law-Abiding? The Basic Rights of a Child. Build up your Topical Vocabulary............................................................. Are Laws Made to Be Broken? Responding to News: Being Enthusiastic.......................................................... Responding to News: Being Sympathetic......................................................... Build up your Topical Vocabulary 2....................................................... Can Laws Protect the Environment? Environmental Laws and Sakhalin-2 Project.......................................... Keeping up a Conversation. Making a Contribution to the Topic and Interrupting................................................................................................................................... For Ever Faster, Higher, Stronger......................................................................... Build up your Topical Vocabulary. Learn to Speak about Sport............ Art and Art Lovers....................................................................................................... Talking about Likes and Dislikes......................................................................... For the Love of Art.................................................................................................. Build up your Topical Vocabulary. Learn to Speak about the Arts...... Учебник написан на основе компетентностного подхода, предполагающего в качестве ко- нечной цели обучения иностранному языку на указанных факультетах формирование личнос- ти, обладающей компетентностью в сфере иноязычного общения на международном уровне. Такой подход определяет следующие цели курса: 1. Развитие языковой компетенции как совокупности языковых знаний, умений и навыков, соответствующих задачам общения на общие и профессионально ориентированные темы, и готовности овладевать ими и использовать для достижения целей общения. Развитие речевой компетенции как совокупности речевых умений и навыков: чтения, аудирования, говорения и письменной речи и готовности их реализовывать в репродуктивной и продуктивной речевой деятельности в соответствии с коммуникативными задачами. Развитие социокультурной компетенции как совокупности знаний культуры в широком ее понимании : культуры своей страны, страны изучаемого языка и других стран мира; умения находить общее и видеть отличное от своей культуры; умения и готовности использовать эти знания в процессе общения на английском языке с представителями других культур; готовности принимать культурное разнообразие и признавать право на иной образ мысли и жизни, при этом отстаивая свою позицию, сохраняя чувство собственного достоинства и не унижая достоинства представителей иных культур. Развитие информационной компетенции как совокупности знаний о современных источниках информации бумажные и электронные словари и энциклопедии, интернет- ресурсы , умения и готовности работать с ними для извлечения, отбора и эффективного использования информации в учебно-познавательных целях. П р е д и с л о в и е 6 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Названные задачи определяют структуру учебника, который состоит из 6 глав и 12 уроков. Подразделение на главы основано на тематическом принципе, на уроки — на лексико-грамма- тическом. Каждая глава состоит из следующих разделов: Diagnostic Test, Speaking включает ре- чевые модели, речевой этикет, ситуации общения, в том числе ролевые игры , Reading, Reading and Speaking тексты для чтения и дискуссии , Vocabulary List, Vocabulary Practice, Word Building, The Right Word in the Right Place отдельные лексические и грамматические трудности, вклю- чая фразовые глаголы , Project Work проектные задания двух видов: 1 на развитие языковой компетенции Build up your Vocabulary и 2 на развитие коммуникативной, социокультурной и информационной компетенций , Grammar Ways to Speak about the Past, Ways to Speak about the Present, Ways to Speak about the Future, Comparison of Adjectives, Expressions of Quantity, Adverbs, Passives, Reported Speech, Infinitive, Complex Object, Modals , Check Yourself — вопросы и задания для самопроверки, Appendix, Supplement. Текстовой материал учебника является аутентичным, современным и информативным, обеспечивая развитие общей эрудиции и культуры будущего специалиста; языковой материал лексика и грамматика, произносительные модели функционален, т. КРАТКИЕ МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ Диагностический тест в начале каждой главы позволяет преподавателю и каждому студенту определить, какому материалу уделить особое внимание, какие задания являются обязатель- ными, а какие факультативными. На развитие языковой компетенции студентов направлены разделы Vocabulary List, Vocabu- lary Practice, Word Building, the Right Word in the Right Place, Grammar и проектные задания Build up Your Vocabulary активный словарь: общий и тематический. Проектные задания особенно важны, так как помимо языковой формируют информационную компетенцию уроки 5, 8, 9—12 и умение работать в команде уроки 9—12. Соотношение времени на аудиторном занятии и на самостоятельную работу составляет 30—40% к 60—70%. Грамматические разделы учебника снабжены большим количеством таблиц с примерами, что позволяет студентам при необходи- мости проработать материал самостоятельно. Разноуровневый характер заданий дает препо- давателю возможность отобрать упражнения, соответствующие языковой подготовке студен- тов. В аудитории рекомендуется выполнять в первую очередь упражнения коммуникативной направленности например, Work in pairs. Развитие речевой компетенции происходит при работе над разделами Speaking, Reading, Reading and Speaking, Project Work и другими разделами в режиме спонтанного общения, на- правленного на решение учебных задач на аудиторном занятии. Развивать навыки быстрого чтения необходимо на занятиях. Работа над разделом Speaking — отработка интонационных и речевых моделей — проводится на занятиях в среднем 25% времени каждого занятия. Парную работу и ролевые игры обязательно проводить на занятии. В учебнике предлагаются ролевые игры двух типов: 1 игры, где заданы и роли, и ситуации общения; 2 игры, где зада- ны только ситуации общения. Вариативность направлена на развитие навыков как подготов- ленной, так и неподготовленной диалогической речи. Этой же цели служат разделы Reading, П р е д и с л о в и е Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II Pre-reading Questions, Discussion Questions and Discussion Points. Подготовленная и неподго- товленная дискуссии занимают до 25 % аудиторного времени. Особое место занимает раздел Project Work второго типа по теме каждой главы учебника уроки 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12 , который обеспечивает взаимосвязанное развитие всех упомянутых компетенций и личностных качеств. Работа над этим разделом проводится как в аудитории, так и самостоятельно, в режиме командной и индивидуальной работы, с участием и без участия преподавателя. Аудиторное время отводится на организационный этап, в случае задания для команды — 25% времени одного занятия и на презентацию результатов 50% времени одного занятия. Раздел Check yourself в конце каждого урока содержит контрольные вопросы и формирует способность оценивать собственную деятельность по усвоению языкового материала. Идея и разработка концепции учебника принадлежит Е. Разделы Speaking, Reading and Speaking, Reading, Project Work и раздел Articles. Разделы Vocabulary List, Vocabulary Practice написаны Д. Владыкиной, Word Building написан Д. Крячковым, раздел The Right Word in the Right place — Д. Владыкиной; разделы Diagnostic Test и Check yourself — О. Раздел Grammar в уроках 1—8 написан О. Кравцовой упражне- ния 32, 36, 39—42 в уроке 1, раздел Perfect Tenses в уроке 3 — Л. Владыкиной , в уроках 9—12 написан Л. Авторы выражают глубокую благодарность — ст. Особая благодарность рецензентам учебника: — профессору кафедры лингводидактики Московского государственного лингвистического университета, д-ру пед. Павловой за исключительно подробный и глубокий анализ учебника и ценные замечания; — кафедре английского языка для факультета международных отношений Санкт- Петербургского государственного университета и ее заведующей, доценту, канд. Авторы с признательностью примут замечания и предложения, которые могут возникнуть при работе с учебником. T h e R ic h a n d t h e P o o r 10 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II DIAGNOSTIC TEST 4 This test is to help the student and the teacher to decide which material in Chapter 4 to focus on particularly when working outside the classroom. CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE FORM OR PHRASE. T h e R ic h a n d t h e P o o r 11 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE FORM OR PHRASE. T h e R ic h a n d t h e P o o r 12 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. CHOOSE THE PHRASE APPROPRIATE IN THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS. MORE THAN ONE ANSWER IS POSSIBLE. A: MP stands for Member of Parliament. B: a I agree with you there. A: Jim was offered a job at an import company. B: a Did he? A: Computers have made our life much more exciting. A: The Hague is the capital of the Netherlands. I will definitely improve my speaking skills. I have never been to China. I know nobody who speaks Lithuanian. I went to the seaside last summer. CHOOSE THE RIGHT SUFFIX TO FORM A VERB. MORE THAN ONE ANSWER IS POSSIBLE. T h e R ic h a n d t h e P o o r 13 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD TO MAKE THE SENTENCE MEANINGFUL. CHOOSE THE RIGHT ANSWER TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. T h e R ic h a n d t h e P o o r Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Tony Blair studied law at St. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES AS YOU SEE FIT. A penny saved is …. Lend your money and lose your …. TOTAL: 100 BETTER TO BE WEALTHY AND HEALTHY UNIT 7 C h a p t e r 4. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 16 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II SPEAKING 1 KEEPING UP A CONVERSATION: AGREEING AND DISAGREEING Part of successful conversation is responding to what people say to us. We respond by agreeing or disagreeing with what someone says. I ag ree with you there. Yes, I know e'xactly what you mean. You are 'absolutely right. You are 'absolutely right. I 'quite ag ree. I am af'raid not. AGREE OR DISAGREE ABOUT FACTS. A: In Russia 'children start 'school at 6. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 17 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. A: A 'mile 'equals a ki lometer. A: The United Nations Organisation was set up after WWII. Petersburg was the capital of Russia till 1917. A: The Big Apple is an informal name for New York. A: The population of Russia is growing. A: English kings and queens are crowned in Westminster Abbey. A: The speed limit in cities is 80 km per hour. A: UNICEF1 helps children in poor countries. B: Add more of your own. AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH OPINIONS. Model: A: 'Children should 'start 'school as 'early as possible. You must be joking! A: Tennis is the most popular sport in Russia. A: Getting married at sixteen is absurd. A: Being in good shape is equally important for women and men. A: Knowing a foreign language is vital in any career. A: Having children is a basic need for all people. A: English will become the only language on Earth in the 22nd century. A: Helping the poor is the duty of the rich. A: Liking your job is more important than making a lot of money. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 18 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. A: Travelling is part of a good education. A: Mobile telephones have made our life more difficult. B: Think of more opinions about your classes at the university; the films you have seen; the books you have read, etc. Choose one of the above and develop it into a mini-conversation. A: I hate large parties! B: 'So do I. A: I can 'speak 'English fluently. B: 'So can I. B: 'Neither would I. A: I have 'never been to the 'Middle East. B: 'Neither have I. Say that the same is true for you. A: I am a Russian citizen. A: I studied English at school. A: I will join the Diplomatic Service one day. A: I would like to travel the world. A: I have met nobody yet who crossed the Sahara Desert. A: I was really pressed for time during the exams. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 19 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. A: I never go out without my mobile. B: Add more of your own. Make up statements about your experiences, likes, dislikes, etc. SPEAKING 2 KEEPING UP A CONVERSATION: SHOWING INTEREST It is important to show how interested we are in what the other person is saying. We do this: — with our eyes, — by nodding, — saying something to show we are listening. USEFUL WORDS TO SHOW INTEREST: Right. Another way of saying Really? A: I was the 'last to 'leave the party. In each dialogue, respond to the statements the sentence or part of the sentence you find interesting. A: The school exams were nothing compared to the entrance exams. I was a nervous wreck after the first one…. A: There is a new soap opera on BBC1 — The Stretford Wives. The cast was great, but I found it rather stupid. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 20 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. A: A junior lecturer at Oxford armed with a PhD earns £ 15,000, less than the platform staff on the London Underground. A full professor earns £ 45,000. A: I got stuck in a traffic jam last night. I was to meet Jane at the station at 8. I called her on the mobile but she was not available. A: Ten per cent of internet users in the US have a dependency that can be as destructive as alcoholism. Doctors call it internet addiction disorder. A: Do you know that Matryoshka, a famous Russian symbol, is just a hundred years old? The first workshop that started making Matryoshkas was founded in Babenki, a village not far from Moscow. A: Psychologists say there are four learning styles. Students can be activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists. Activists are open-minded and enthusiastic about anything new. The forecast says minus 20 and a north wind. A: Amur tigers may disappear altogether! There are about 450 left in the Far Eastern taiga. DO NOT wait for pauses! Model: A: I went to the dentist the other day for a regular checkup. I hate going to the dentist, though I go every six months … B: Do you? A: Yes, when I think of the drilling machine I start sweating. A: Never, they just love to keep you waiting! Then, quite unexpectedly they called out my name. I went into the room, sat down in the chair and … B: Yes? A: … and saw that the doctor was a very pretty young woman. A: I liked her a lot but was nervous, too, because she looked too young to be a doctor and seemed rather inexperienced. Well, she looked into my mouth and said a filling needed fixing. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 21 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. But before I could say anything she started drilling out the old one. I have to see her sooner than that. I think I am going to have a toothache. Ideas about events to describe: 1. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS 1. Say which of these you agree with and explain why. Can you think of similar Russian proverbs? Can you give an example? A penny saved is a penny gained Scottish proverb. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves English proverb. Better give a penny than lend twenty Italian proverb. Children are poor men's riches English proverb. He that is rich will not be called a fool Spanish proverb. He who could foresee things three days in advance would be rich for thousands of years Chinese proverb. Lend your money and lose your friend English proverb. Poverty is no sin English proverb. Riches run after the rich, and poverty runs after the poor French proverb. You cannot reason with a hungry belly; it has no ears Greek proverb. To be rich is not everything, but it certainly helps Yiddish proverb. READING 1 THE HAVES AND HAVE-NOTS PRE-READING QUESTIONS: 1. What are the richest and the poorest countries of the world? What are the most obvious differences between the regions of the world? B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 22 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Education is always top on the list, if we could build schools and set up public programs in poor countries this will give these people the opportunity to learn skills that will allow them to develop and eventually become a more independent nation. If we were not in constant war we would have the money to help humanitarian efforts. Mark, Rochester USA 2. Like most other residents of the UK I do not consider myself to be rich and I do not feel that I somehow have a responsibility to help the poor of other countries. We need to take care of our own poor before we can tackle the problems of underdeveloped nations. Matt Munro, Bristol, UK. How do you expect to see an end to poverty when a country like Zambia has an unemployment rate of 80%? Could any single country in Europe live with such an unemployment rate? If we do not start creating jobs in developing countries, then there will be no end to poverty. In all the aid that is given to Africa, I have never seen one aid organisation even mention the need to create jobs. Job creation requires investment and it is not difficult to calculate how much investment each country requires to create those jobs. It will cost billions of dollars, but with targets and ef- fort, progress could be made. Throwing money at poor countries will only make things worse. Up to 90% of the money given to some poor countries for aid will be siphoned siphon — перекачивать off by corrupt bu- reaucrats. Fair and equal trade without protectionist subsidies is essential to lifting families out of poverty. There should also be huge penalties on Western Banks that allow corrupt leaders to siphon off funds meant for aid. Ask yourself this question: Why do super rich people come from develop- ing countries? Do you have the answer? I think life will not improve in poorer nations, especially in Africa, by mere cancellation of debts and sending food parcels. Life will improve only if rich countries invest in agriculture, like imple- menting green revolution model which was a great success in India and still is and providing better quality of seeds and improving education. Sunil Mohan Reddy M, India. It's a shame that in the twenty first century there is so much poverty. How can there be so many people who have so little and so few people who have so much? The only way to prevent pov- 2 Oxfam International is a group of non-governmental organizations from three continents working worldwide to fight poverty and injustice. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 23 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II erty is for every citizen of the world to give a mere 1% of their income to charities involved in feeding and assisting the poor. Africans have failed Africa. I am sick and tired of the whole thing. Why do we bother? We keep on funding the poor to live in areas that obviously cannot sustain life for any decent period. We should face the reality and just stop trying to interfere. White western politicians and pop stars have had more than enough chances to make everything wonderful — plus the billions and billions that the West have pumped in and what have we achieved? I want Gor- don Brown to concentrate on the UK — not act as a Saint at our expense. Extreme poverty will always be with us until the extremely poor reduce their birth rate. The well-off nations of the world have no obligation to support people who produce huge numbers of children without the ability to support them. Poverty cannot be checked until the massive population growth is brought under control. It is not up to the so called 'rich counties' to sort out world poverty. The gap between the rich and the poor is the biggest in the poorest countries. For example, India with its caste system. Just drive around Bombay Mumbai and you will see untold wealth in one area while just down the road there are whole families living in cardboard boxes. The fact is that most countries where there is poverty have a very wealthy elite and it is they who should lead the way before asking for UN aid. What can the developed countries do to help the developing ones? No one knows because hunger is difficult to define, because the statistical data are weak, and because efforts to improve data collection and analysis have been limited. But beyond these real difficulties we may not know how many hungry people there are in the world because we may not want to know. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 24 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II THE RIGHT WORD IN THE RIGHT PLACE DO vs MAKE 1. ACTIVITY vs RESULT Use Examples DO 1. Have you ever disliked anyone who has done nothing to you? The firm has been doing the work for more than 15 years. Most travelers go to Fiji to do some swimming, snorkeling or diving. Janett did all the talking. I mostly listened to her talk. MAKE Emphasizes the end product, or result, of an action rather than the activity itself. He plans to set up a small workshop to make carpets. At that time the workers were making a fire to cook their dinner. Fill in the gaps with do or make in the correct form. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 25 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II DO MAKE an exercise housework an effort peace a favour research an exception a plan good sport a fire a profit a fortune progress a fuss a suggestion Ex. Fill in the gaps with do or make in the correct form. Describe a day of you life using collocations with do and make. I normally get up at 6:30. Unfortunately, I have no time to do exercises, so I just do some stretch- ing. Then I make the bed and go to the kitchen to make breakfast … Ex. Translate into English using collocations with do and make. Молодые люди так шумели в кинотеатре, что кто-то пожаловался охране security. Занятия спортом пойдут вам на пользу, если вы хотите поддерживать хорошую физическую форму. Общеизвестно, что студентам университетов приходится много читать. Не мог бы ты сделать мне одолжение и помыть сегодня посуду? Билл решил провести исследование о on роли женщин в науке. Стив допустил несколько ошибок в докладе, но никто этого не заметил. Мигель Miguel последнее время очень старается. Неудивительно, что он добился таких успехов в английском языке. Оливер попытался сделал попытку сказать Дженни, как она ему нравится, но он был очень застенчив, и говорила только она. Смит заработал состояние, продавая подержанные second-hand машины. Марк Хаммер всегда выполнял свой долг как человек и гражданин, поэтому его все уважают. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 26 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II PHRASAL VERB MAKE Ex. Match each verb with its equivalent below. You are just making it up! Recast the underlined parts so as to make them more natural. Use the phrasal verb MAKE. As in any fiction book, all the names in War and Peace were created by the author. Maura could see Terry's lips moving but could not understand a word. The chemicals that form living things are all based on chains of carbon atoms. The money you are offering can't correct the effect of all the troubles I went through. Food poisoning or a cold are the most popular excuses students invent to get out of classes. Dick adored his youngest daughter, who compensated to him for an unhappy marriage. Youth compose a large proportion of the unemployed in Iran. Do not look up the word in the dictionary if you can decode its meaning from the context. They sometimes argued over trivial things but always re-established a friendly relationship with each other within an hour or two. Racial and ethnic minorities constitute one third of the population in the United States. Think of leap високосный year as the little trick the world uses to compensate for lost time. Has she finally become friends with her parents again? Translate the sentences using the appropriate phrasal verb. Прежде чем пересказывать текст, составьте его план. Терпение и упорный труд могут иногда компенсировать отсутствие таланта. Они закрыли дверь, и я не смог услышать разобрать , о чём они спорили. Я надеюсь, что он постарается как можно скорее расплатиться с хозяином квартиры landlord за ущерб, который он ему причинил. Овощи, фрукты и рыба должны составлять значительную часть вашего повседневного ра- циона diet. После продолжительных дебатов лидеры трёх стран наконец помирились. Зрение у него стало ухудшаться, и вскоре он с трудом различал, что написано на доске. Oна всегда старается придумать оправдание любым поступкам своего сына. В России женщины составляют большинство среди безработных. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 27 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Врач порекомендовал спортсмену выпивать 7—12 стаканов воды в день, чтобы восполнить потерю воды во время тренировок workouts. Я признаю свою вину, но не знаю, как сделать первый шаг и помириться с моей девушкой. Он все это выдумал, так как не хотел смотреть правде в глаза смотреть в лицо реаль- ности. Make up a short story using as many phrasal verbs MAKE as possible. READING 2 A MATTER OF CLASS: WEALTH AND WELLNESS PRE-READING TASKS 1. Within seconds of suffering an at- tack the lives of three New Yorkers moved in totally different directions. After he was stricken, Will Wilson was taken to a hospital that did not offer the treatment he needed. He later had trouble changing his diet, and to limit stress he set a date to retire from his office job. Ewa Gora, a housekeeper, felt ill but resisted going to a hospital, then wound up staying two weeks. She struggled to quit smoking and to control her weight, and worried about bills that piled up while she was unable to work. Jean Miele, an architect, had quick emergency treatment for his heart attack at a top hospital, good follow-up care and useful advice on altering his health habits, including his diet. He also benefited from the support of family and friends. What, in your opinion, are the attributes of class? What is the connection between class and wellness health? B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 28 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II Look through the text to find the paragraph or paragraphs which sum up this connection most clearly. For Those with Status, Better, and Longer, Lives Jean G. Miele's heart attack happened on a sidewalk in Midtown Manhattan last May. He was walking back to work with two colleagues after a sushi lunch that cost several hundred dollars. Wilson's heart attack came four days earlier in his bedroom in Brooklyn. He had been describing to his fiancee a heavy dinner he was beginning to regret. Ewa Rynczak Gora's first signs of trouble came in her rented room in the shadow of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. It was July 4. Gora, a Polish-born housekeeper told her hus- band not to call an ambulance; it would cost too much. Architect, utility worker 1 , maid: in those first fearful moments, three New Yorkers with little in common faced a common threat. But in the months that followed, their experiences were different. Social class — that combination of income, education, occupation and wealth — played a central role in Mr. Gora's struggles to recover. Class is a powerful force in health and longevity in the United States. The more education and income people have, the less likely they are to have and die of heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many types of cancer. Upper-middle-class Americans live longer and in better health than middle-class Americans, who live longer and better than those at the bottom. And the gaps are widening, researchers say. Heart attack is a window on the effects of class on health. The risk factors — smoking, poor diet, inactivity, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol and stress — are all more common among the less educated and less rich, who are also less likely to get emergency room care or to change their lifestyles after heart attacks. On the lower end, the poor are facing various disadvantages. Diet has gotten worse. There's a lot more work stress. People have less time, if they're poor, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Miele's advantage began with the people he was with who called an ambulance. Because he was in Manhattan, there were major medical centers nearby, all equipped for the best in emergency cardiac care. The ambulance attendant offered Mr. He picked Tisch Hospital, part of New York University Medical Center, an academic center with relatively rich patients. Miele, 66, was on a table awaiting angioplasty 2 to unclog his artery. Less than two hours after Mr. Miele's first symptoms, his artery was reopened. The damage to his heart was minimal, and he spent just two days in the hospital. Things went less smoothly for Mr. Wilson, a 53-year-old transportation coordinator for Consolidated Edison Con Ed. This time, he called an ambulance. He was offered a choice of two hospitals — neither with state permission to do angioplasty. Wilson chose the Brooklyn Hospital Center, where he was given a drug to break up the clot 3 blocking an artery to his heart. It worked at first, but the clot re-formed. Wilson was taken to New-York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, where Dr. Bhalla performed angi- oplasty. Wilson spent five days in the hospital before heading home with a list of drugs and instructions to change his diet and to exercise regularly. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 29 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Gora's experience was the most problematic. She hesitated before allowing her husband to call an ambulance. He finally insisted, and, given no choice, she was taken to Woodhull, a city- run hospital that Mr. Woodhull was busy when Ms. Two hours later, a doctor examined her, and tests confirmed she was having a heart attack. She was given drugs to stop her blood from clotting and to control her blood pressure. The next day, she was taken to Bellevue, the hospital Mr. Miele had turned down, for an angiogram to assess her risk of a second heart attack. Gora, who was 59 at the time, developed a fe- ver, so the angiogram was canceled. She remained at Bellevue for two weeks before she was sent home. No angiogram was ever done. Comforts and Risks Mr. Miele is upper middle class, the son of an architect and an artist. After college, he spent two years in the military and then joined his father's architecture firm. For the past 20 years he worked four-day weeks, spending long weekends with his family, sailing or rebuilding cars. Will Wilson is clearly middle class. His parents were poor farmers who moved north and became a machinist and a nurse. He grew up in Brooklyn and had spent 34 years at Con Ed. Wilson's health was not bad, but far from perfect. He traced his first heart attack to his smoking, his diet and the stress from a bitter divorce. Gora is in the working class. A bus driver's daughter, she arrived in New York City from Krakow in the early 1990's. She was in her seventh year on a waiting list for a subsidized one-bedroom apartment. Gora had never imagined she was at risk of a heart attack, though she was overweight, hypertensive and a 30-year smoker. Uneven Recoveries By spring, Mr. Miele's heart attack, remarkably, had left him in better shape. He had lost more than 15 kilograms and was exercising five times a week. He was working from home. His blood pressure and cholesterol were low. Wilson's heart attack had been a setback. His heart function was not normal, though it improved somewhat since May. He still enjoyed fried food sometimes, but he took his medica- tions regularly. He was looking forward to retirement. Gora's health was increasingly complex. She finally returned to work in November and had moved into the subsidized apartment with her own kitchen and bathroom. But her weight had hit 91 kilograms. Her blood pressure and cholesterol remained too high. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 30 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. What do the three New Yorkers have in common? In what way are they different? What are the attributes of class according to the author of the article? What changes have taken place in medicine over the past two decades? Do the advances in medicine have a direct effect on health care in the US? What do you think the prospects are for the three people in the story? Whose responsibility do you think it is to be in good heath? What is your impression of the American health care system? Do you see any similarities with the healthcare system in Russia? PROJECT WORK HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS OF THE WORLD Compile a short Fact File and tell your classmates the main facts about the healthcare system in the country of your choice. Using the internet some websites are given below or other sources find out about 1. What does GP stand for? Health Care in Canada: 1 Which healthcare services does the Canadian Government pay for in full? Health Care in Australia 1 What is Medicare? B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 31 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II 3 How much of health care is provided by private health insurance? What services does it provide? Compare it with the healthcare system in Russia. Study the Vocabulary List and translate all the examples. According to the Constitution, men join the army at the age of 18. Не можешь бороться, тогда возглавь. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 32 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. I chose the book from those that were on display. Beggars cannot be choosers Посл. Бедному да вору — всякая одежда впору. I knew it would be boring. Do parents approve of your choice of career? We can dine at a restaurant of your choice. Courtis has nothing in common with shameless politicians. They started crossing the road as soon as there appeared a gap in the traffic. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 33 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Урожай в этой области серьезно пострадал от наводнения. The flying saucer was pyramidal in shape. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 34 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. The area is remarkable for the beauty of its scenery. The house faces X the park. A serious dilemma faces us. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. The first letter is given to help you. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 35 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Make up sentences using the following patterns. Add a sentence or two to expand on the situation. Example: It is common for opera singers to eat a lot after long performances. There is a legend among singers that losing weight can cause vocal problems and loss of voice. Model B: It is common knowledge that… Example: It is common knowledge that as a rule the rich live longer than the poor. Education plays a role as well; the well-to-do seldom smoke and are more choosy about what they eat... Model C: …have to face the fact reality that… Example: He has to face the fact that he is not suitable for the job. Only those with a degree in mar- keting have a chance to be hired. Model D: … have had no choice but to… Example: After all diplomatic means to solve the crisis have failed, we believe that we have no choice but to use force. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the Active Vocabulary. A fire which badly damaged a house near Gateshead, was started by a six-year-old girl playing with a lighter. Charlie was so weak that he was unable to join the cheering crowd. It has become common practice to communicate via e-mail on a daily basis. She can't afford to have time off. The buildings of the town all face north to avoid the sun and to catch the northerly breezes. The current trend is that more and more computers are using a larger screen. The novel probably began to take shape during the autumn of 1888. There's nothing remarkable about the fast growth of the Internet. When children are hungry because they chose not to eat, they'll certainly eat what is offered next time. When modern pop stars dance, their singing is at a minimum and their back up vocalists fill in the gap. In general, cruises are quite affordable vacations because everything is included. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 36 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. For each word given below find at least three words from the box that can go with it. Some words from the box can go into several groups. Can you continue the lists? Use the expressions in sentences of your own. Some words can form several collocations. Make up and answer questions using the collocations. Make up a short story 10—12 sentences with the Active Vocabulary words and present it in class. Choose the best story using the following criteria: 1. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 37 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Translate the sentences using the Active Vocabulary. В Древнем Египте амулеты amulets имели форму растений или животных. Как вы думаете, сформировала ли учеба заграницей его отношение к жизни? В настоящее время во многих развивающихся странах разрыв между богатыми и бедными увеличивается. Доступно ли сегодня высшее higher образование? Если вы решили платить кредитной картой to pay by credit card , будьте готовы предъявить удостоверение личности. К сожалению, я не смогу к вам присоединиться. Я жду друга нашей семьи, которого не видела несколько лет. На олимпиаде спортсмены продемонстрировали удивительные результаты. Он записался в библиотеку, когда ему было всего 5 лет. Прямой яркий свет вреден для произведений искусства. Когда я разрабатывал новую программу, я столкнулся с несколькими серьезными трудностями. Сименс планирует организовать to set up совместное предприятие venture с одной из китайских компаний. Сколько раз вы посетили бассейн в текущем месяце? До революции рубль был твердой валютой. Cвязи с мафией повредили его репутации. Эти государства связаны имеют общими интересами. В нашем магазине вы можете заказать букет по своему выбору. Analyze the following patterns. Form verbs using the appropriate suffix and explain how the resulting verb is connected with the noun. Observe the spelling changes. Suggest what nouns these verbs can go with. When in doubt consult a dictionary! Use the words in the brackets in the correct form. Cheerful company short the journey. Many believe that television glory violence. Of the ten books I have read this summer, I would class at least half of them as complete rubbish. Global warming will worse the climate in the future, resulting in food shortages. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 38 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. The coach of the national team apology to his country for their poor performance in the World Cup. The end just the means. The deaf are finding that their hearing aids слуховые аппараты are ample more than just the voices of their friends. She'd flat herself against the outside wall like someone in a spy movie. We are pleased you finally clear your position on market economy. Paraphrase the sentences so as to use verbs instead of the underlined parts. After sitting in an office all day, playing tennis really makes me feel full of energy. Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones, and makes the immune system stronger. Johnny's bicycle helmet is too tight. Can you make it looser for him? The illness made her seriously weaker. Mussels мидии can live in the polluted environment because of their ability to make water pure. Some people like the idea of using dumb-bells гантели to make their bodies tougher. Roles and responsibilities are made clearer and the contract documents themselves are made simpler. The adventure film we saw the other day tended to make war more glamorous. Explain in English what is meant by the following: to digitize to summarize to zombify to speechify to ripen to glamorize to amplify to ladify to systematize to hasten Ex. Fill in the gaps with the correct derivative or form of the verb in bold type. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 39 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II GRAMMAR PASSIVES THE BASICS Ex. What is the Internet being used for? Find the passive verb forms and identify their tense. Some Facts from the History of the Internet When the Internet, then known as ARPANET, was launched in 1969, its purpose was to link research centers around the world. Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to re- search, education, and government uses. Commercial uses were prohibited unless they directly served the goals of research and education. Over the next three decades, every stage of what we now know as the Internet caused heated debate. But as a result of hard work and experiments a network was created that now serves as the foundation for commerce and communications. The Internet has been used for many innovative purposes over the last decade. Nowadays the Internet is being used on a daily basis by millions of people around the world, ranging from toddlers i. Educationally, it offers up-to-date publications by world-class research institutions, and oc- casionally a chance to ask questions directly to the experts. Politically, the Internet is being used as a communications channel, for politicians and citi- zens to exchange ideas and opinions before the election. And it is being used to provide real- time reports and analyses. Anyway, a lot of users of the Internet believe the Internet will be used to better our lives and bring services to people that they would not have otherwise. PASSIVE VERB FORMS BE in the necessary tense form + DONE The Internet This matter He The information was launched is being discussed has been called will be published in 1969. The Passive can be used with modal verbs modal + be + done The work can be divided into a few stages. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 40 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Choose the correct form in italics. Put the words in brackets in the correct passive form. Many people in Britain think that smoking age should raise. The Roman Army divide into legions of about 5,000 men. You press for time if you take the course. People warn about HIV and AIDS for over twenty years now. The Anglo-Irish Agreement sign by Margaret Thatcher and Irish Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald on November 15, 1985. Three terror suspects interrogate by the police now. Upper and Lower Canada unite by 1841. Next year the farm own by the same family for 100 years. When I met her, she separate from her husband for four years. PASSIVE vs ACTIVE object subject subject agent We use the Passive when we are more interested in the action than in the person or thing performing the action. Active: They opened the airport in 1965. Passive: The airport was opened in 1965. The subject of the active verb becomes the agent which is usually omitted. If necessary it is introduced with by. Active: British scientists are developing a robot to work in toxic environments. Passive: A robot to work in toxic environments is being developed by British scientists. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 41 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Change the sentences into the Passive. Omit the agent if possible. Note: By + agent is used to say who or what did the action. It is omitted when the agent is unknown, unimportant, or obvious from the context. The ancient Egyptians recognized the Pharaoh as a god. They will hold the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Students respect the lecturer not only for his knowledge but also for the manner of his presentation. People must choose doctors with care. They will divide the money between a selection of small, medium and large project ideas. People began to realize that the military was attempting a coup переворот. They will have finished the public debate by that time. Members of the Hamilton family have owned the castle for much of its life. By that time, they had arrested him again and headed him back to prison. Russian scientists are developing a new AIDS treatment drug. When we talk about an instrument or material used by the agent to perform an action, we use a with-phrase: The glass front door was broken with stones. The manuscript was written in pencil in an exercise book. Fill in the gaps with by, with, or in. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 42 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II Compare the two sentences in which the new information is underlined: Dr. John Stith Pemberton 1830—1888 invented Coca-Cola on May 8th, 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Coca-Cola was invented by an American pharmacist Dr. McHugh was surprised by the objections to his presence at the meeting. More natural than The objections to his presence at the meeting surprised Dr. Group the sentences according to the use of the Passive. The passive form is used because: A. The British architect Lord Norman Foster has been chosen to build an office tower at the World Trade Center site. Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes were first identified in 1929 and 1932, respectively. The new American dream is being shaped by a growing transit network of light-rail lines, subways, commuter rail and buses. The gallery is owned by Robert Brown, a skilled ceramic artist. Puma tracks are commonly found on the ground, but pumas themselves are hardly ever seen. Just as human history is divided into major segments, like the Stone Age and Bronze Age, the 4. Karen was delighted by the breakfast buffet, especially the scrambled eggs and mushrooms. In the experiment infant monkeys were separated from their mothers at 1 week of age. He was brought up by his maternal grandparents who never lost an opportunity to punish him. Don't lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. Basic Computer Security was presented by Irwin Gaines on March 8, 2005. PREPOSITIONAL VERBS IN THE PASSIVE approve of call in comment on deal with discriminate against laugh at listen to look after look at look for look into look upon mock at operate on rely on shout at talk about think of C h a p t e r 4. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 43 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II Verbs followed by a preposition in passive structures take the preposition immediately after them. The patient was operated on yesterday. Every detail will be looked into. This book is being much talked about. Put the sentences into the Passive and translate them into Russian. People looked upon him as an upper-class snob. Philip is a true friend, you can rely on him. The fact that people laughed at some geniuses does not mean that all who people laugh at are geniuses. The Head of the College will look at and comment on all applications. She says that people never listen to her opinion and her advice. Two female assistant professors at the University of Illinois claimed that the authorities discriminated against them in pay. The police have been looking for the stolen painting for ten days. Ask questions for more information. Model: The stolen painting is being looked for. How long has it been looked for? The FBI has been called in to investigate the case. Jane is often mocked at at school. Wall Street employees are well looked after, especially when their companies make big profits. John is being looked for but cannot be found as yet. The guest of the hotel was shouted at by the restaurant manager. The plan will be looked at again to see if any changes are needed. Women are often discriminated against at work. The latest developments in that country are being commented on in the press. Ask each other questions with prepositional verbs in the Passive. Have you ever been shouted at? Translate into English using prepositional verbs in the Passive. Чарли боится, что над ним будут смеяться, если он проиграет в соревновании. К концу года этот вопрос будет решен. Когда мы чувствуем, что нас слушают, мы думаем, что нас воспринимают всерьез. Похищенную из музея картину разыскивают уже несколько дней. Мальчика только что прооперировали по поводу аппендицита for appendicitis. Национальные меньшинства часто ставят в худшие условия use one verb в области образования, так как их родной язык не преподается. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 44 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Вы думаете на Майка можно положиться? В Китае сочинение стихов никогда не рассматривали как профессию. В Гарварде его считали на него смотрели талантливым исследователем. О глобальном потеплении сейчас говорят как об одной из главных проблем, стоящих перед человечеством. VERBS WITH T WO OBJECTS THAT CAN BE USED IN T WO PASSIVE STRUCTURES ask give grant lend offer pay promise refuse send show teach tell Verbs which take two objects, direct and indirect, can be used in two passive structures. Active: His brother has given him 1 money 2 to help him get married. The first passive structure is more common. Change the sentences into the Passive. The officer asked him the same question again. The immigration authorities have refused him an application for a visa. They teach the children all sorts of skills at that school. Have the policemen shown you any pictures? They granted the refugees political asylum убежище in the Czech Republic five months ago. They have offered the Professor a position at Harvard University. A friend lent Mr Miller a house in Kent. The doctor has told the patient everything about the treatment. A market gardener gave him a present of a basket of vegetables. If you are a research student, we will send you the details of registration in December. What exactly did they promise you? VERBS WITH T WO OBJECTS THAT CAN BE USED IN ONE PASSIVE STRUCTURE announce devote describe dictate explain point out propose suggest Verbs which take two objects, direct and prepositional, can only be used in one passive structure. Active: The teacher explained the rule 1 to the students 2. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 45 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Change the sentences into the Passive to shift the emphasis. Omit the agent where possible. The children were happy when the teacher announced the trip to them. They have described you to me as a very shy person. The instructor will point out all mistakes to the students. Tom suggested this idea to us. They have never explained the rules of the game to Stevens. The manager will dictate the terms of the contract to you. His lawyer has suggested divorce to him as a financial solution. The management will announce a plan to the staff within a week. France and Turkey proposed this resolution to the Security Council in 1991. Korczak devoted his life to children. Change the verbs in italics from the Active into the Passive to make sentences more natural. They granted George admission to Harvard College when he returned to America. The management gave the employees less support than they promised. The manager will explain to the candidates the duties and responsibilities of the position. The University of Miami has offered Mr. They paid the director a handsome sum for his first film. Once he pointed out the mistake to us, we corrected it within five minutes. The parents have promised the child a reward for reading. A local hotel clerk suggested the restaurant to us when we were looking for a place to eat lunch. At the top of the page, we will show you the estimated length of the quiz. The authorities have refused Louise permission to display the Australian flag at her house in Windermere. They told me to write the letter exactly as they dictated it to me. Someone has lent him money to study in Europe. A messenger announced the news to him. Read the news story and answer the questions: 1. How many people have been arrested? Who was arrested at the scene? When were the other two men arrested? Why do you think they were airlifted to an ambulance? Find sentences with verbs in the Passive. Pay attention to the tenses used to present the news. Two men arrested after canal jump Two men have been treated for hypothermia переохлаждение and arrested after jump- ing into Newry canal to escape from police. At about midnight police used a stinger device3 to stop a car with five people on board which failed to stop at a checkpoint on the Fathom Line Northern Ireland. A man and a woman were arrested at the scene, a man ran off into woods and the two others jumped into the canal. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 46 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II They swam to nearby land but were caught by police, then airlifted by helicopter to an am- bulance. Three men and a teenage girl have been arrested. Police are still seeking one man who was in the car and have appealed for anyone with infor- mation to contact them. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Severe rains in US leave 13 dead At least 13 people die and hundreds of homes evacuate as a result of rains and floods in the central United States. The worst hit states are Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky, with about 30 cm 12 inches of rain in some areas. The US coast guard help rescue people trapped in their homes and cars. Five people die in a road accident in heavy rain in Kentucky and a 65-year-old Ohio woman drown in her home. In southern Illinois, two bodies find after floodwaters swept a truck off a rural road. About 300 houses and businesses flood in Piedmont. Missouri Governor Matt Blunt ask for federal help for 70 Missouri counties and the City of St Louis. Decide on the story to describe a computer virus, a fire, a protest march, etc. Discuss how you will present the information. Translate into English using the Passive. В университет пригласили новых преподавателей и повысили требования к качеству обучения. Студентам дадут достаточно времени для выполнения задания. Вам объяснили важность регулярных занятий спортом exercise? Дискриминация по отношению к женщинам существует как в бизнесе, так и в спорте. Ко времени опубликования этого доклада будет выбран новый председатель комиссии. Характер писателя сформировался под влиянием его отца. Землетрясение повредило или разрушило тысячи домов. В то время новый закон широко комментировался в прессе. Продолжительность жизни можно увеличить по всему миру, если правительства и граждане individuals предпримут общие усилия. После этого происшествия его уговорили уйти из спорта. Картина, которая мне понравилась больше всего, была написана акварелью. Интересно, почему этот фильм был выбран фильмом года? B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 47 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II ARTICLES THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. REVISION THE BASICS The definite article is used to speak about somebody or something already known to the speaker and the listener or definite in their minds. The man who wants to see you is our customer. The men who want to see… I read the newspaper s with great interest. The coffee was horrible. The life of survivors was hard. The water found on the island was undrinkable. The Hunting of the President has become a bestseller. Read the text and insert the definite article where necessary. Notice the use of the definite article with the nouns in italics. Whites were spending their holiday in Africa. They were very wealthy. White came from a well-to-do family and Mr. White used to be in film industry. They booked rooms in a luxurious hotel at the seaside. The place was very popular with the elderly rich. White was an elderly gentleman who liked to spend his time over his wines, smoking his pipe he had one of largest collections in Yorkshire , and reading a book. White, on other hand, was restless. She was not very young either but still full of life. Once in Africa she wanted to see the jungle. White described all the possible dangers to her but all in vain. She managed to talk him into joining an excursion on very next day. It was an interesting excursion. Only problem was guide explained everything in Latin. My Latin was rather rusty as it was many years since I had learned it at school. I found it most amusing to watch apes and monkeys swinging in tree-tops. Just before it got dark a gorilla appeared and seemed to find Mrs. We spent night in tents. I slept like a log. At dawn I was awakened by a dreadful scream… I learned that Mrs. White had been kidnapped by gorilla. He got per- mission from governor very next day, but gorilla was nowhere to be seen. As night fell and the moon rose in the dark sky I went to hotel to call on White. He was very pleased to see me. As I looked at empty bottles and rings under his eyes I realised how dearly he must have loved his wife. Life is terribly strange…. What on earth did gorilla see in her?! B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 48 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II THE PARTICULARS 1 I. Insert the, a or zero. It is based on his experiences during World War II. Everyone wants rich immigrants, investor-immigrants, business immigrants, well-educated immigrants. Student A makes a statement about the young, the old, the rich, the poor, etc. Student B agrees or disagrees with it. Pay attention to articles. Model: A: The Moscow government should do something about the homeless in Moscow. B: I agree with you there. The situation is absolutely unacceptable. THE PARTICULARS 2 I. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 49 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. They discovered a small inland sea. A vacation will do you a world of good. What on earth did he mean? Insert the or a. The name derives from Old English and Germanic. We also say, the cinema, the theatre, the radio BUT television unless we mean a particular thing e. Most people prefer to go to the cinema in company rather than alone. Every Greek town had a theatre. Insert the article where necessary. In a sense, these were like Television News today. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Гвенда стояла, поеживаясь, на набережной quayside. Она путешествовала морем две недели, и теперь, даже на суше, все вокруг покачивалось to wave up and down. Послед- ние три дня, пока они плыли из Бискайского залива в Плимут, море штормило. Именно поэтому она решила, что не поедет сразу в Лондон, а остановится в отеле, в симпатичном надежном отеле, где под ногами будет твердая почва. А на следующий день она возьмет напрокат машину и не торопясь поедет по Южной Англии в поисках дома, симпатичного дома, дома, который они с мужем планировали купить где-нибудь на побережье. Погода в день приезда была отвратительная, шел противный дождь и дул сильный ветер. Гвенда решила, что Плимут — не лучшее место в Англии. У нее не было радио, и прогноза на завтра она не слышала. Но на следующее утро небо было безоблачным, ярко светило солнце, и Гвенда чувствовала себя совсем по-другому. Качка прекратилась, и весь мир Вселенная успокоился. Она была готова отправиться в путь. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 51 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II CHECK YOURSELF 1. Divide the verbs into two groups — those that can be used in two passive structures and those that can be used only in one passive structure: Promise, announce, dictate, grant, teach, show, describe, give, explain, point out, pay, refuse, propose, ask, offer, teach, devote, suggest, send Put the sentences into the Passive. Give two variants where possible. The teacher explained the rules to the students in English. In exchange for information they promised the captured soldier medical treatment. What prepositions do the following verbs take some of them can take more than one? Comment, laugh, rely, shout, look, operate, think, deal, discriminate, mock, talk, listen, call, accuse Add prepositions where necessary: 1. Teenagers are often discriminated because of their age and appearance. A Palestinian soccer team has been refused entry into Great Britain. What good is a song that is never heard or a story that is never listened? The official statue of Lady Thatcher, which was unveiled yesterday, is widely commented in the papers. Your complaint will be looked within five days. Translate the following word-combinations without consulting the Vocabulary List. What is the rule for the use of articles with such adjectives as old, young, rich, poor, etc.? Find examples illustrating the rule in the texts. This widening gap can be seen virtually everywhere C h a p t e r 4. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y 52 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II we look—in America; within other countries, even those which used to be characterised by a high degree of equality in particular, Japan, South Korea, and China ; and between rich and poor coun- tries in the world at large. If a blind person has proper training and opportunity, blind- ness can be reduced to a physical nuisance неудобство. In which of these phrases does the noun take the definite article? On radio, in public, at sea, general public, in future, in countryside, by sea, at seaside, go to theatre, in past, in world, go to cinema, protect environment 4. Choose the correct alternative in italics. Fill in the gaps and give an appropriate response. B e t t e r t o B e W e a lt h y a n d H e a lt h y Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. A: London Heathrow Airport is the largest in Europe. Say that the same is true for you. I usually go shopping for food on Saturday. I should cut down on fattening foods. CLIMBING THE SUCCESS LADDER UNIT 8 C h a p t e r 4. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 56 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II SPEAKING 1 USING FILLERS AND HEDGES Fillers are used to fill in pauses in speech and give the speaker time to think. The most common conversational fillers are: FORMAL NEUTRAL INFORMAL So to speak If I may … Actually, Well, In a sense, I mean You know Sort of… Like… Er… e. A:Do you think we should throw a party for our girls on the 8th of March? After all, it is their day. Or flowers might be a better idea? B: Well, I am not really sure. I mean if it is a surprise party we may find they have planned some- thing else for the day. DO NOT OVERDO IT, though, as was done in the sample below: M. I mean, in a sense do you actually ASK to be in the papers? They can also act as fillers. The most common hedges are: Generally speaking, …. To be honest If I may say so, …. Sorry to interrupt but …. If you know what I mean e. In an English-speaking environ- ment, your English will definitely improve. IN UNIT 8 YOU LEARN: to keep up a conversation: to use fillers and hedges ask and answer negative questions to make a visit to a doctor to report what other people say to read faster and infer information to look for information LANGUAGE FOCUS reported speech the definite article followed by of-phrase or which-phrase. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 57 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Make the monologue more natural by filling in the gaps with fillers and hedges. The speakers were economical with fillers and hedges. Fill in the gaps for them. B: Yes, I have, why? A: The thing is I am going to England next month. A: You mean even if I want to go to the toilet? REVISION Practice answering negative questions. Expand your answer with a comment. It bored me in the end. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 58 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Going to the Doctor. Make up dialogues appropriate in the situations below. You want to see a doctor. You are free in the afternoon on Tuesday and Thursday. Greet the receptionist, introduce yourself and ask for an appointment, insist politely on the day and time you can make it. Say thank you and good-bye. Student B Julia Green, the receptionist : Greet the caller. Say when the doctor Dr Hamilton can see the patient Friday morning at the earliest. If the patient finds it inconvenient suggest coming on Monday or Tuesday. Say thank you and good-bye. Take a seat, explain what your pro- blem is, when it started. Ask for a sleeping pill prescription. Say thank you and good-bye. Student B Doctor Hamilton : Greet the patient, introduce yourself, offer a seat. Ask what the problem is. Advise trying to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day. Suggest going out for a walk instead of working on the computer before going to bed. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 59 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. You are feeling rotten. You are running a temperature and you have a bad cough. You want to see a doctor. Greet the receptionist, introduce yourself and ask for an appointment, insist politely that you must see a doctor today. Say you think you are developing bronchitis. Say thank you and good-bye. Student B Gwenda Owen, the receptionist : Greet the person who is calling. Say the appointment list for today is full, suggest calling Direct Online Self-help Guide. If the patient insists say there may be last minute cancellations. Suggest coming over to the surgery. Say thank you and good-bye. Take a seat, explain what your prob- lem is, when you fell ill. Explain that you are running a temperature; you have a bad cough and a dull headache. Complain you feel weak and sleepy all the time. Say you are not allergic. Ask if you need a prescription to buy paracetamol. Ask if you can buy antibiotics over the counter. Say thank you and good-bye. Student B Doctor Hamilton : Greet the patient, introduce yourself, offer a seat. Ask what the problem is. Say luckily it is not a chest infection. Ask if the patient has ever taken it before. Explain one can buy paracetamol over the counter. Advise staying at home and in bed for a couple of days and drinking a lot of fluids. If the infection persists the patient may have to take antibiotics. Say one needs a prescription to buy antibiotics. READING AND SPEAKING TASK 1. Fill in information gaps in your text A or B by asking each other questions. The couple, whose children are aged three to 18, are given £ 32,656 of tax- payers' money in benefits each year. Some of this they have used to buy electronic gadgets including a DVD player, Xbox 2 hi-fis, two widescreen TVs and three computers. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 60 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Soon after, the family started complaining that the house needed repairs — and expected the taxpayer to pay for them as well. Since that time the mess has built up. Unbelievably, the council in Hull, which is officially Britain's poorest city, has agreed to pay £ 500 for professional cleaners to come in. They should be more grateful than they seem to be. We don't want to be on the dole 3. We just want a good place to live. I wonder if … I think … I believe … I feel … I am pretty certain … DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Are the Cromptons worthy of sympathy? Do families like the Cromptons deserve help from the Government? A nation on the rise or decline? At the upper end, there are people who do sometimes work but their work is very low paying and unreliable. Closer to the lower end of the welfare class are the homeless. The employment for the welfare class, if found, does not pay enough for their housing, food, and clothes. Some, such as the homeless, just learn to live with inadequate housing, food, and clothing. Others attempt to adequately clothe, feed, and house themselves and their children by looking for alternative sources of income. Many people rely on government assistance, such as welfare, subsidised housing, etc. Others may engage in crimi- nal activity such as prostitution, drug cultivation and sales, or petty theft. Classes in the UK: The aristocracy, the upper middle, the middle, the working class or lower class depends on preferences of the person giving the description. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 61 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. READING 1 TO EVERY MAN HIS CHANCE PRE-READING QUESTIONS: 1. What does success mean in your opinion? Money social status power...? Read the text quickly and say where and when the story is set and who is the self- made man. Rudolph Jordache went into the locker-room and took a shower, although he hadn't run enough to work up a sweat. There never was enough hot water at home and when he could he showered at the gym. The boys in the locker-room spoke in low tones and there was none of the usual horsing around возни. Smiley, the captain of the team, got up on the bench and said he thought that if there was a funeral service for Henry's brother, they all ought to chip in and buy a wreath. Fifty cents a man would do it, he thought. You could tell by looking at the boys' faces who could spare the fifty cents and who couldn't. Rudolph couldn't spare it, but he made a conscious effort to look as though he could. The boys who agreed most readily were the ones whose parents took them down to New York City before the school term to buy the year's clothes for them. Rudolph bought his clothes in town, in Port Philip, at Bernstein's Depart- ment Store. Rudolph got out of the locker-room quickly. Carrying his books, he strode along the cracked sidewalks of the neighbourhood. The school was built on a hill and he could see the Hudson river below him, and in the dis- tance to the south the chimney of the Boylan Brick and Tile Works, where his sister Gretchen worked. Port Philip was not a pretty town, although once it had been, with big white Colonial houses mingled with solid Victorian stone. But the boom in the 1920s had brought a lot of new people into town, working people, whose homes were narrow and dark, spreading out into all neighbourhoods. Then the Depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry- built 2 houses had been neglected, and as Rudolph's mother complained, the entire town had become a single slum. Rudolph turned to his left on Vanderhoff Street. It was a long street and as he approached his own house the street became shabbier and shabbier as though going south was somehow spir- itually a decline. The Jordaches lived in a flat over the bakery. His mother was in the bakery putting a dozen hard rolls in a brown paper bag for a little girl. At the start of the war his father decided to confine himself to baking the bread and rolls; the cakes and tarts were delivered from a big commercial bakery every morning. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 62 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть II The family ate in the kitchen. When the meal was over Rudolph went to his room to do his homework. Rudolph shared a narrow room and a double bed in it with his younger brother. He knew that if he wanted to escape from eating in a kitchen and sharing a bed with his brother it was going to be through books, so he was always the best prepared student in the class for all examinations. What do we want? What are our strengths and weaknesses? Where are we going? Now at the exact mid-point of the century, Rudolph thought, moving restlessly on the camp chair set up on the campus lawn, what do I have and what do I want? I have a BA 4 , a debt of four thousand dollars, and a dying mother. I want to be rich and free and beloved. Where am I going? Rudolph had sent him an invitation, but Boylan had declined. Come on over to the house when the dreary mumblings are over, and we'll break out a bottle of champagne and talk about your plans. For one, he'd have owed Boylan a good deal more than four thousand dollars at the end, and for another, with his background and his lack of money, he'd have been an outsider among the young lords of American society whose fathers and grandfathers had all cheered at Harvard-Yale games, and most of whom had never worked a day in their lives. At Whitby, pov- erty was normal. The occasional boy who did not have to work in the summer to help pay for his books and clothes in the autumn was unusual. He had started as a stock boy 7 in busy seasons, but he had worked so hard that by now he was part time salesman, window dresser, and advisor on buying. Rudolph was standing under the huge sign that traced the name of Calderwood against the blue September sky. Dealer in millions, manager and entrepreneur on the rise, a well-tanned, hand- some young man in a nicely tailored unremarkable suit. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 63 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Read the text for detail and do the tasks below. Inferring: what can be inferred about Rudolph and Teddy Boylan? Supply facts from the text to support the inferred idea. Facts Inferred idea There never was enough hot water at home. Teddy Boylan was a prominent leading citizen of Port Philip. If in doubt consult Appendix. Study the Vocabulary List and complete it with the correct translation of the words, phrases, and sentences. Пожалеешь розгу, испортишь ребенка. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 64 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. They spent every spare minute together. The café is within walking distance of the university. C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 65 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Король чудом избежал смерти был на волосок от смерти. Do you owe anything to your neighbours? C li m b in g t h e S u c c e s s L a d d e r 66 Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. The mail is delivered at 10 in the morning. Dole delivered an interesting lecture on cloning. Supply examples to illustrate the use of the words on the Vocabulary List Resources: 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. The first letter is given to help you.

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